Tuesday, September 6, 2016

You couldn't be more home right now

Hey Everyone!

First off - shout out to my mamma! Happy Birthday! Love you!

This week was good! We have been following up with lots of potential investigators lately. It's just funny because we knock on these doors and their garage doors are open with two cars and toys everywhere and yet no one ever answers. Haha I mean we know you are home! It just kills me. The things people do to avoid us. Anyway, on Monday we had a zone activity at presidents house. We had a BBQ and played volleyball. It was such a nice day and it was fun to just hang out. We were there with another zone so I got to meet some new people :) that was fun.

We also had MLC this week! We now have a set of STLs per zone so we talked a lot about leadership and how we need to be examples and good leaders. We played speed during lunch and I was the first one out. Haha my dream is to be good at that game....but it will never happen...bummer. After MLC we went on exchanges with the Herndon sisters. I was with Sister Green! We finally got in contact with this less active lady and she was so nice, but she gave us this weird rice stuff that was in banana leaves and you ate it like a banana and it was just really weird and gross. Haha I have become so adventurous with the food I eat these days. I've eaten some interesting things since being here. I think I'll just stay with my chicken nuggets and pizza :)

Anyway, we had this crazy lesson with a new investigator. His name is Vuk and he is from Montenegro. Sister labrum met him on exchanges and he is either the most golden investigator ever...or he is already a member...haha. He read 270 pages in the Book of Mormon and remembered everything about it and already knows so much! He says that he is just curious so he has been studying a lot, but he just knows WAY to much! Haha I think he is a member pranking us. But it doesn't make a difference either way because he was only here for the summer and is going back to his country next week. I mean maybe he is just a super prepared soul. We are going to get his address to send missionaries either way so that will be fun. Haha

Another amazing family we are teaching is from India. They want to know about Christianity and just really want a church that they can be a part of and go to each week. We have had some amazing lessons with them and they really want to know if this is all true. We have quite a few other families that we are working with to. I just want to help a
whole family come into the church so that they can be sealed in the temple! How cool would that be! Families are forever and I just want that for everyone!

Well I love you all!! Have a great week!

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks Grandma for the card and new dresses!! I love them!!

Giving a Book of Mormon to the deer.

Zone activity and BBQ.

Trying to throw petals in the air. Kind of failed. Haha

We made a crock pot meal :) it was tasty too! Working on my cooking skills!

Exchanges in Herdon.

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