Friday, September 2, 2016

Going for Gold!

Hey Everyone!

So in the news for this week: Sister Labrum and I are staying in Oakton! I can't believe a whole transfer has gone by already! That went fast! The transfers just keep getting shorter I swear! It's freaking me out a bit! But I'm excited for this next transfer :) we are going to see miracles!

This week was a little slow. Really don't have much to report on. The last week was just crazy with all the finding that this week just felt slow. We didn't really find anyone and didn't have too many lessons. Sometimes that happens though. Every week can't be crazy exciting. Some highlights from this week would be:

Our lesson with Rich. We found him during the finding fest and then had a lesson with him this week. We went with a plan of teaching the restoration, but it turned into a whole lesson on prayer. We taught him how to pray and the importance of prayer. At the end we asked him to say a prayer. He asked if all prayers had to be said out loud and we told him that when we are alone we say them silently. He said he would say it, but he ended up saying a silent prayer. He said "Dear God" and then just went silent for like five minutes and the said "amen." It's something that has never happened to me, but while he was saying that silent prayer, his first prayer, the spirit was just so strong. I sat there and silently prayed for him and it was just such a powerful moment. I love when people pray.  It's such a spiritual moment.  Then after the lesson he taught us how to make candles out of dinner napkins. Haha so I now have a new talent for dinner parties!

Well I honestly don't know what else to report on. Oh, we painted for a family in the ward! That was fun.  I love doing service! I love just mixing things up a bit.  But other than that this week was really just spent tracting.  It's been HOT!!!  Oh here's something fun!  During the finding fest week our zone decided to have a little competition.  We wanted to see who could find the scariest dog, because EVERYONE in Virginia has a dog.  I think it might be a state law.  And WE WON! haha We won the "Herndon Hound"!  As a zone we made up all these trophies for each ward in the zone.  So now we are in a competition for the "Spring Lake Squirrel." You have to find the coolest door knocker to win.  Sister Labrum and I want to win all the animals :)  But we did already lose the "Reston Rooster." :(  That was for whoever won the zone pday scavenger hunt.  So that's been fun.  There are more competitions to come :)  The zone leaders just buy these weird animal statues at thrift stores and paint them gold for the trophies. It's funny.

Well, I love you all SOOOO much!!!! I'm excited for a new week!  I'm excited to find prepared people!  We have a lot planned for this next week so that should be fun :)  

Love you!
Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks Westridge Ward Primary for the letters!

The "Herndon Hound" trophy!  He's just so cute!

Our crazy last district meeting.

Painting for service hours.

14 months!  The finish line approaches.....

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