Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Hey Everyone!

What a great week!! So much happened this week, but let's start with my birthday!! It was seriously the best birthday EVER! You couldn't ask for a better day as a missionary! Thanks to everyone who sent me cards and packages!! Love you all! So here's what I did for my birthday fun.  Sister Labrum had decorated the house so when I walked out of the bedroom everything was all set up :) the Vienna sisters (they live in our area and are super close by) came in the morning for breakfast! We made pancakes and they made me a pancake in the shape of a 21:) they had to leave shortly after eating and then I opened all my gifts! Best gift was from mom. She made me a scrapbook of all my birthdays up until now! Thanks mommy!!! I loved it! Then we went to the ward's "Day to Serve" where we sorted clothes and made kits for this company called "Days For Girls" that sends hygiene kits to girls in poor countries, and we sorted out this laundry detergent to give to homeless shelters so they could wash their clothes at laundry marts. It was so fun! Everyone was just talking and serving and I just loved it! I love doing service! After all the service projects were done we all went to a park for a ward picnic! That's as much as a party as you get as a missionary :) A member took us out for ice cream later to celebrate. At night we got to see Katrina and all her kids were finally there. Love that family! Then we had an amazing lesson with our investigator Ram and he is actually on date to be baptized! So yeah it was a killer day! Thanks to everyone who made it special!

Then yesterday was amazing! Dennis (our investigator that we have been working with for months) came to church! We have been trying to get him there forever, but it's really hard because he has had both of his legs amputated so it's a challenge for him to leave the house. He is the most positive happy man you will ever meet in your life though. It was so cool that he came to church. He loved it too! He is also on date for baptism. :)

Oakton is just awesome and I'm so happy to be here! We also had a super cool lesson with this guy named Chris. We just found his number in our area book and called to ask if we could meet and he said he would love to. We had a great lesson with him and he said that he is just confused which church is true. We taught the restoration and he loved it. Then at the end he said, "I have always had one question that I have never been able to answer. Why are we here in this life?" Sister Labrum and I started laughing and said we could answer that. So he is super excited for our next meeting, but he is YSA so we will have to pass him off to the YSA missionaries. Still, so cool though and such a miracle.

It was just a great week! Other little things that happened this week are we went on exchanges with the Vienna sisters and so that's always a ton of fun! I was with Sister Moore.  Love those exchanges! And we also had interviews with President. That was great! Always love those! Well, I love you all! Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I can't believe I'm 21!!! Can't believe I also hit 15 months! That's just mind blowing! I remember last year at 3 months so clearly! How has a whole year gone by? Freaks me out! Just got to make the most of it while I can!

Love you all!
Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Dad, Mom, Tyler, Grandma and Grandpa, Papooh, Aunt Dee, Aunt Sarah and Uncle John, The Jessens, and The Plumbs for the cards and gifts! 

Birthday pancakes.

My birthday was also my 15th month mark.

The bears partied too hard.

More decorations.

Party hardy!

Cool glasses.

Birthday ice cream with the Steck family. This is my buddy franny. So cute!

Cake Sister Labrum made me.

Birthday book from mom!  Best gift EVER!

When I woke up.

The missionaries for English class. All the students left but two before the pic was taken.

Just walking through the forest preaching the gospel.


I did Sister Labrum's hair. She would go out with it though :(

Slumber party fun.

Birthday singing.

Opening presents.

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