Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Welcome to DC South

Hey Everyone!

Wow so much happened and changed this week. I am now officially part of the Washington, DC south mission!  It's.....different.... Haha the rules here are SO different and just the way everything is set up is different.  It's not wrong, just different. I'm trying to just adjust to the new missionary life. In a couple of weeks it will all be normal. Change is good. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Haha

Anyways besides all the change it was a good week! We had sisters Pday and we went to the marine museum. That was fun! It's a really coolnmuseum that has lots of interactive things to do. It's the second time I've been there. First time was almost a year ago! Can you believe that!? Crazy!

We went on exchanges this week. I went to Bristow with cute Sister Tingey. She is so funny. My favorite quote was when we were talking I told her that I can't cook and that I've basically eaten toquitos and chicken nuggets every day for lunch this week and she said, "So basically you have the diet of a toddler" and I just died. Yup. Pretty much. My poor future kids are going to be so malnourished. Hahah but it was a fun exchange we found some really cool people and had some great lessons.

This week we also had MLC! My last one :( We weren't able to have the party bus so just Sister Bray and I drove down to Richmond together. It was a good meeting, but was so sad because it was ours and President Wilson's last one! During lunch at MLC we always play speed, or knockout, or lightning, or whatever you want to call it and I did the best I've ever done! Haha I'm so bad at basketball. Then at the end of the meeting president said bye to each of us and then all the sisters said bye to Sister Bray and me. I felt like a Disney princess. Haha everyone was in line and would come over and take a picture with us and say goodbye. It was funny, but also really sad. It will be weird not seeing any of those sisters for the rest of my mission. After MLC a big group of us went to Cafe Rio for our last dinner. That was fun.

On Friday we had our zone meeting and President Huntsman came. He talked to us and explained some of the rules here in DC south and then we gave our trainings. I trained on how to have a more effective study. Haha something I should really work on.  It went well. It was nerve racking having the new president there, but he seems nice and his wife is so sweet and I already love her.

We had some miracles this week. One being that Jess had her interview and passed! Hopefully she will be baptized this Saturday! I'm so excited :) we also found some cool new investigators that I'm excited about.  Just got to get them progressing! :) miracles are going to be seen here in DC south! I just know it! :)

So that's my life right now. Today we are going to the President's home (this mission is so small that we can just travel anywhere and be there in like 30 minutes) for a bbq and 4th of July party. Love you all!!

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa and Dad for the letters this week!

My comps.  I will miss these Sisters!

Last Misson Leadership Conference.

Richmond, VA mission STLs

All my buddies! :)

Sister's p-day at the Marine Museum

Sister Tingey

President and Sister Huntsman

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