Tuesday, March 29, 2016

He Lives!

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had a great Easter!  It was a fun day here.  Celebrating holidays that are centered on Christ while being on a mission is just so cool! Each morning we get an hour to study on our own so yesterday I spent the whole morning studying from the four gospels about Christ's Atonement, death, and resurrection.  I liked reading from all four of them because they all have different details and you are able to just get more out of it.  I love the scriptures!  You can find so much knowledge and help in them and I know that by reading from them daily you will become more Christ-like and  feel of God's love at all times :)

Anyway, we had a crazy week this week.  We spent a lot of it tracting and we found 7 new people to teach! It was so good!!  We have become pro at tracting and teaching the Restoration on the doorstep.  Haha it's so fun.  It's cool to see who is prepared and ready for the gospel.  In our mission we invite people to be baptized in the first lesson so it's funny when you tract and teach the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then ask if they will be baptized when they know our message is true.  The really prepared people say yes right away and the others who need more time look at us like we are crazy.  Haha it's great.  LOTS of people look at us like we are crazy here.

But this week I learned that God doesn't forget about anyone.  A few weeks ago we were tracting and this family yelled over to us and said that they were members and just moved in and were wondering where the church was.  We gave them the address and our number but stupidly we didn't ask them where they lived. Luckily she had mentioned that they lived on Olympic Road.  The family never came to church and we knew that we had to find them somehow.  So we drove to Olympic and it was SUCH a long road! We picked one end and just went for it.  No joke - no one answered the door.  As we neared the end of the street we started panicking that we had already knocked on it and that they didn't answer so we would have to knock again to find them.  Then at the fourth to last house on the street they answered the door! It was a miracle! Even though we had made a mistake the Lord made sure that they weren't forgotten.  We were able to talk to them again and now we can help them get back to church.

Another cool miracle is we have been teaching a young girl who comes every week to church with her friend.  We have been teaching her at her friend's house so we had no idea where she lived either.  She hasn't been at church the last few weeks and she wasn't answering our texts.  We basically lost contact with her, but then we were just out tracting in an apartment complex and she answered the door!! She was so excited to see us!  She said her mom has been really sick, but that she wants to start meeting again.  She is really great and is already so involved in the young women's program that she will be baptized really soon.

There are so many other miracles that happened this week.  We see them daily here.  Robin is doing amazing and still preparing to be baptized.  She shared with us how she feels the spirit at church and knows this is where God wants her to be.  I love helping people learn for themself that this is the true church.  I love being a missionary :)  It was a really good eventful week and I love you all so much!!!  

Sister Lawson

P.S.  Thanks to Aunt Sarah and Uncle John for the letter and mom for the Easter package!

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