Monday, October 19, 2015

Yo no hablo espanol

Hi everyone!

Another week down. I can't believe it! This week just flew by! I really don't even know what I did this week. We really spent this week trying a bunch of potential people, but no one really answered the door. It's hard here because everything is so far away so it takes like 15 minutes to get anywhere. We spend a lot of time in the car which is a bummer, but we have fun with it.

Anyway, this week I got to be a Hermana for the day! Haha it was So fun! I think that I am actually supposed to be a Spanish sister. It was way cool! So we had exchanges with the sister training leaders this week. Well in this area the STLs are Spanish sisters and they are in a trio. So two stayed in their area and I joined them, and one came here to be with Sister Styler for the day. Anyway it was such a fun day. I didn't know what was going on all day. Haha. We went to this place called La Mancha by the locals which in Spanish means "The Stain." It's literally the most ghetto apartment complex ever. I wish I took a picture of it, but I didn't want to pull out my camera... Hahaha. Don't worry mom we were safe! There were three of us and we brought a man from the ward with us. So all is well! But anyway we talked... Well, they talked to lots of people there and I would just smile and stand next to them. I could pick up on some words here and there, but I honestly had no idea what was going on like all day. During lessons I would sing a hymn in Spanish with them, I was really more humming the tune because I kept pronouncing the words wrong, and then I would sit there and listen. It was so cool to hear them talk. Then at the end of the lesson the Hermanas would turn to me and ask me to bear my testimony and then they translated it. It was just so cool because even though I didn't speak Spanish and I had no idea what they were talking about I was still able to bear powerful testimonies. I really just felt the spirit working through me and it was just so cool!! I loved it! I loved practicing my Spanish the whole day too. It's so cool how much you can remember when you are completely immersed in a language. It was like everything I have learned how to say from Spanish class was coming back to me. I really wish that I was fluent. It would have been cool to learn a language on my mission, but it's probably the best that I'm not an Hermana. I don't think I could spend everyday in La Moncha. Haha but it was just such a great day.

That was kind of my highlight of the week. Honestly not much happened. We had zone workshops so we met as a zone and President and Sister Wilson came and talked to us. That was fun. I really just love them so much! This week I also learned how to crochet from this lady and realized that I'm becoming a crazy old cat lady! Haha I love to crochet and have been doing it during lunch times and at night before bed and I always want to help the stray cats that are around. Hahaha my little black cat I still haven't seen since the storm and I'm very sad about it. Poor little guy. But yeah..I'm going to be crazy when I'm old. You better all watch out! haha.

Well I love you all! Have a great week! 

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to dad, grandma and grandpa for the cards!

Me crocheting with my long hair! Time really is going! 
My hair was at my chin when I left and now it's to my shoulders!

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