Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Night of Shadows

Hey everyone!

This week was crazy! Lots happened! The biggest news though is Sister Prach is leaving! I can't believe it! This has been my fastest transfer yet. We actually forgot that transfer calls were even on Saturday because this transfer went so fast and we did not think we were going to be split up. It was such a shock for that to happen! We are calling it "The Night of Shadows."  We just didn't see it coming.  I'm so sad! I was really looking forward to another 6 weeks with Sister Prach. Looks like I still can't keep a companion. Sister Olson still holds the record of the longest time spent with me. Haha I just can't believe that I've already been in Quantico for 6 weeks. That's just mind blowing.

Davon is still going strong.  He came to church yesterday and after a long conversation he said that he doesn't have any arguments against what we are saying.  He can't disprove it, but that he still just doesn't believe it.  He just needs to read the Book of Mormon on his own, but he just won't.  He'll get there though.  I have faith in him.  I think he is just too scared to admit that he knows it's true.

On a more fun note though we had MLC again this week! Party bus round two! But also the last party bus :( next month will be different people :( hopefully it will still be a party.  MLC was fun. Always great trainings given. I can't believe that President and Sister Wilson go home in just a month! That's crazy! We only have one more MLC with them and then we will have a new president! I remember when I came out thinking about how I'll have a new president when I have just six months left. I can't believe that time is already here! Along with MLC comes zone meetings. So I had to give another training in front of the zone. This time I trained on how we can be better teachers and improve our teaching skills. It was ok. Not my best, but not bad.

Last Monday we had Sisters Pday. We went to Ikea and did a scavenger hunt. It was lots of fun! We also helped teach seminary one morning this week. We had to get up so early but it was great to get to go to seminary! I miss going to that! I loved seminary all throughout high school.

Well, I can't believe I enter another transfer tomorrow. They are just going faster. It's freaking me out! After this one I only have three more. AHHHH They are just moving right on away. Time needs to slow down just a tad bit.  Well I would write more, but lots to do today!  I'm currently getting blown up with emails trying to figure out transfers.  Haha why everyone tries to figure them out before beats me.  We find out tomorrow, but its just so fun to try and guess.  Well I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa and Elder Enos for the letters and Mom and Dad for all the post cards from Italy!

I dyed my hair and got a perm! (WHAT?!)

Transfer day.  We are protesting being split up by matching today!

A member sent me this picture because he thought Abby looked just like this little girl.

Can you see the resemblance?

With the Ferrell's (they sent the pictures!)

IKEA scavenger hunt for Sisters Pday:  
Find "Something fuzzy"

And "Something plastic"

Lunch break!

Snow cones!

Mission Leadership Conference

Lunch at Chick-fil-a after!

Party Bus 2.0

I told Davon that I was blind in one eye and now EVERY lesson he makes
blind jokes. Hahaha so we saw this sign and I had to take a picture!

We study on the couches so when someone leaves to go into the other room 
or the bathroom we make these versions of them because we get lonely. Hahaha

I found a beach!  I have never wanted to go swimming so bad before!

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