Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Welcome, welcome, sabbath morning!

Hey Everyone!

This week was fun! I got my new companion! Her name is Sister Olson and I love her!  We are so similar and have been having so much fun together!  We have been tracting up a storm lately.  We have to bring our teaching pool up.  Got to find those prepared people :)

So here are some fun stories of the week.  First off, we were tracting and we decided to "spiritual create" someone.  Spiritual creating is when we pray and then pick out something about a person that we are going to find.  So you could say like a man wearing a red shirt with a beard or something like that.  Anyway, we prayed and I said "we are going to find a man named David" so we headed out and everyone we saw we talked to and asked them their names.  We met this super cool woman named Danielle who was really interested and we set up a return appointment with her for a few days later, but unfortunately, she missed it.  Anyway after meeting her we kept tracting and then had to leave soon.  I decided that Danielle was just the girl version of David and that I would just leave it at that, but then we knocked our second to last door and this guy answered the door and he said he was really busy, but that we could come back next week.  As he was closing the door I asked him what his name was and he said David!  Haha we found him!  It was so cool!  :)  Spiritually creating is so fun because the Lord always brings you to those people.  We just have to have the faith to find them.

Another cool thing from the week was yesterday we had FIVE investigators at church!  I have never had so many people there!  It was great!  Belinda came and she is getting baptized this Saturday!  And she brought her husband with her.  Then Jennifer Harrell (her daughters are Lauren and Sheridan who recently got baptized) brought her other daughter and her son!  Her other daughter, Charis, is going to be baptized on the 20th!  We want to start teaching her son too, but he is a 15 year old boy and isn't that interested.  He just came to church because he likes playing church basketball and you have to come to church every other week to be on the team.  Then the last person there was this man named Richard.  Missionaries have been working with Richard for SOO long! He just won't commit to be baptized.  He has read the whole Book of Mormon and has even said that he knows that its true, but he just doesn't want to be baptized.  It's a bit frustrating.  Sister Olson and I decided that this transfer he will finally commit. :)

Funny story about Richard.  We went and had a lesson with him and we brought Jennifer Harrell with us.  Jennifer is so funny! She is crazy and just the best, but anyway, we took her with us and had a lesson on the word of wisdom and Richard said that he would try and follow it and somehow we convinced him to give us his coffee maker.  So we get home and we have a missed call from Richard and the message says, "I can't believe that I just handed my coffee maker over to you.  Can you please bring it back at church tomorrow?"  Haha we just started laughing and then called him and told him no.  So he is progressing now. :)

Well that was my week.  It was a fun one.  Sister Olson and I have been having lots of fun and are excited about all the miracles we are going to see together.  Love you lots!!  Have a good week!

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the letter.

The lady that we dug her car out of the parking lot brought an edible arrangement to say thanks. 
Ate all the fruit during weekly planning. haha

The Harrells.  I love this family!

We got these weird Mexican sodas.  Cheers to a new transfer!

Area book is death! almost done transitioning all the records

New companion, Sister Olsen

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