Wednesday, February 10, 2016

There can be Miracles when you Believe!

Hey Everyone!

GO BRONCOS!!!!!  I'm so happy that they won! :)  I was supporting them here!  I wore blue and sister Olson wore orange.  Colorado for the win! hahaha

Anyway, this week was great!  We had a BAPTISM!!! YAY!!!!!  So here's the story of the baptism.  Belinda was baptized!!!  But the whole thing was a bit of a disaster.  Haha so here is the story of the day.  There was a baptism at the church that morning so we told the Elders to just leave the font filled and we would just show up and add some hot water and all would be well.  Well, we show up and ALL the doors to get into the font room are locked.  We couldn't get in.  We open up the little petition that allows you to see into the font and it's EMPTY!  We didn't have enough time to fill it up!  Sister Olson ended up climbing over the little glass wall into the font and then went around and unlocked the door.  We started filling the font, but unfortunately we didn't have enough time to make it was a cold baptism.  Then apparently no one knew the baptism was changed to Saturday so only maybe 10 people came.  Then Belinda got baptized, but one of the young men did it and he didn't do it right so she had to be dunked twice and then the person who was supposed to do a musical number while Belinda was changing wasn't there so me and Sister Olson just stood up front and started singing. Hahaha it was just a mess, and to top it all off President Wilson decided to come to this baptism.  Hahah oh #AbbyLuck.  But it all worked out. And when we started singing everyone slowly started joining in and the spirit was so strong and I realized that it didn't matter.  None of these things mattered because Belinda got baptized and made that decision to follow Christ and she said that she felt so good and felt the spirit and thats all that matters! So all is well! :)

So super cool miracle this week!  We "spiritually created" this guy last week.  We told ourselves that we were going to meet a guy who lives by the church who is a single dad in his 30s and would be wearing green when we met him.  So we went to contact a less active lady and her housemate answered the door.  We talked with him and he invited us back.  We came back a few days later and it wasn't good.  He was very drunk and wouldn't listen to us and kept telling us that we know nothing because we are only 19 and 20 and have no experience at all.  The spirit was not there so we just wanted to get out.  We told him we had to go (don't worry mom we had a member with us and are always safe :)) and as we walk out another housemate comes up the stairs.  He tells us that he is going to go visit his 8 year old daughter and he is 30 years old and was wearing green and we were right by the church!!! IT WAS SO COOL!!! We found our spiritual creation! He said that he wants to meet with us and that the guy we were talking to was crazy and so tomorrow we are going to have a lesson with him and he says that he wants to get his daughter into a church! Oh miracles.  So cool!

This week we also went on exchanges and I went to Richmond again! I was out on VCU campus again. That was fun.  I didn't actually get to contact anyone on the campus because we had so many lessons that day, but it was still fun to do.  I love being down there.  I want to serve down there sometime so bad! It's so fun and would be fun to be in a young single adult ward.

It was a pretty exciting week.  We have been working a lot with the members and have even found a couple of new investigators.  We have people progressing towards baptism and are seeing so many miracles each day.  I love it here and I love being in this area.  There are many more miracles to be seen!  

I love you all!!!  Happy Valentines Day!  

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, Papooh, Dad, The Jessens, Sister Jeppsen, Elder Enos for the letters this week and thanks Mom for the package!

Michelle's daughters.  We had FHE with them and made these little "I am
a child of God" crowns.

We went to the Waffle House!

Filling the font.


Bronco Fever!

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