Sunday, September 20, 2015

More Fit for the Kingdom.

Hi everyone!

This week... I'm trying to remember what we did this week. Last Monday was zone Pday and we played oompa again. I guess that's the only thing we ever do for zone Pdays. Haha but that's ok. Oompa is fun. I made a...basket..? Don't know what to call it. But I shot the football into the basketball hoop and made a point. It was so cool because I shot it from the three point and really didn't think it would go in, but it did. What can I say. I'm an oompa star. Haha

Anyway this week we spent a lot of time tracting. We had lots of doors slammed in our face, but we found four new investigators! It's so awesome to have people to teach again! I'm most excited for a women named Leny. We ran into her on the street and asked if she wanted to hear our message. Usually when we ask that people will just listen on the doorstep, but she invited us in and we sat down and had a whole lesson. It was so cool. We've seen her a few times this week and she is just so prepared. She reads and does everything we ask. It's really cool to see how the Lord prepares people for you to find.

So on Saturday we helped with this big event put on by the church. It's called Gifts of the Heart and it's basically like a giant free yard sale. People from the community donated tons of stuff Friday night. then on Saturday the doors are open for the whole community to just come in and take whatever they want. It's crazy! But really helps the community. There were 45 tables stacked with clothes of all sizes and there was a whole room that was just filled with shoes and another room that was filled with toys and it's all free. SO many people came. It was just a really cool event and I'm happy that I got to help out and be a part of it.

So today I ran a 5k. Our mission is having this "More Fit for the Kingdom" 5k competition. All the zones in the mission (I think there are 8 zones. I'm in the Woodbridge zone.) are competing against each other for best time. So this morning we had our race. It was painful. I would tell you my time... But I don't want to. Haha I was the 4th fastest sister though. There are 14 sisters in my zone so I beat 10 of them. Haha not really an accomplishment, but hey, I survived the 5k!

Well I'm tired and sore.  This is my last week of being a teenager! crazy!!! Love you all!! Miss you!!

Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Dad and Grandma for the letters this week!

Flyer for the race.

Entire Woodbridge Zone at the 5K

4th Sister to finish!

Cool place we went to for dinner.  It was like whole foods, but better.

Me waiting in the rain for Gifts of the Heart to start.

All the clothes.  Each balloon is another table full of clothes!

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