That's right! I'm halfway there! Can you believe it?! It feels like just yesterday that I was getting on a plane to go to the MTC. Now, here I am 9 months later... hard to accept.
Anyway, this week was an exciting one! So on my 9 month mark I went to mid-mission. Mid-mission is when all the missionaries who are at their halfway mark go to a big meeting that pumps you up for the rest of your mission. For this time around they took the 16 sisters that I came out with and the 11 sisters that came out the transfer after me for a meeting with a total of 27 sisters! It was so fun! Like I said it started with being just a meeting. We talked about how we have to give the second half of our mission our all and be the best missionaries we can be. It was like a locker room talk. Haha we set goals and just had lots of fun. I got to see Sister Bray and Sister Styler again too so that was super fun! I love those girls! We went to VCU campus and went street contacting that night and I just love being on campus. Then we spent the night in the mission home and I slept in the same top bunk that I slept in when I came to Virginia that first night :) Oh memories :) The next day we had some more trainings and then had a testimony meeting that was just a wave of emotions. All in all it was a great time! I loved it!
In other exciting news Sister Olson had to go to the doctors and had the same thing that I did two weeks ago so we had to stay inside for the day. Our investigator Robin came to church again yesterday and is now progressing towards baptism!! I'm so excited for her! And, we tracted "Mansion Row." haha it was this random street that we came across that had all these mansions that backed up to the James River. No one answered the door but the houses were fun to look at. That was my week summed up real fast. We just have been doing more finding :)
We got to start sharing the new #Hallelujah video too! If you haven't watched it go watch it now! It's so good! I love this time of year because people are so focused on Christ. This time and Christmas are the best. I wish people always remembered Christ because He did so much for us... He did everything for us really. I love that this Easter season we get to celebrate that He Lives; that He still lives today. And because He lives we all have a chance to live again. We will all get to be with our families for eternity and through Christ the Plan of Salvation was made possible. I love my Savior and I love being in Virginia sharing the beautiful news that He lives!
Love you all! Happy Easter!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to Dad and Sister McKenna Weech for the letters, Grandma and Grandpa for the Easter package, and Mom for the St. Patrick's Day cookies!
Mid-mission meeting
Awkward family photo.
Breakfast after the ultimate slumber party!
Me, Sister Hendrickson, Sister Hanson, Sister Bray, and Sister Styler.
A woman asked us to set up this doll house and take pictures of it so she could sell it.
"Mansion Row"
"I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!"
We call these popcorn popping trees!
Whoohoo! Half way mark!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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