Friday, March 4, 2016

Oh, this is a disaster!

Hey Everyone!

So this week was full of adventures!

To start off the week I got crazy sick so that was fun!  Haha I had to go to the doctors and I got the wonderful joys of getting the strep test.  Yay.... luckily I didnt have strep, but I did have Tonsillitis and am on meds :)  but I feel much better now.  But for that day we mostly stayed inside because I felt so bad.  

Then we were part of a tornado!  Since I have been living in Virginia I have been through a hurricane, a blizzard, and now a tornado.  Oh man #AbbyLuck is real.  Don't worry Virginia you will be rid of me in about 10 months.  The natural disasters have been crazy here lately.  So on the day of the tornado members were texting us saying that a storm was coming, but we didn't think much of it because it was perfectly clear.  We had just ended dinner and the members said that we should go home because we just entered a tornado warning.  We didn't think much of it because it was so calm outside so we just left.  Well the calmness ended quickly.  As we were driving we got hit by rain.  The winds were pushing the car and we got a text from the mission president that we needed to get inside.  We luckily were right next to a recent convert's house so we parked the car and ran as fast as we could to the house.  I have never gotten more wet in so short of a time before.  In the two minutes it took us to run to the house we were drenched!  It was like we had jumped in a pool.  We helped the recent convert clean out a room in the basement while we waited for a few hours for the wind and rain to stop and then we went home.  There was a tornado about 40 minutes from me, but we were ok.  Just lots of wind and rain.  When we did get home though there was a tree blocking the entrance to our apartment complex so we had to take the long way back.  Haha stupid trees always falling everywhere. So that was the adventure with the tornado :)

In other and even more exciting news Charis Harrell got baptized!!!  It was SO good!!  I think this was the best baptism that I have been to on my mission.  The spirit was so strong and we had lots of investigators come and Charis was so cute and happy.  Everything went smoothly with the baptism and it was just so wonderful.  Now all the girls in the Harrell household have been baptized :) All we have left is the 15 year old brother.  He will get baptized soon I'm sure of it.  

So that was pretty much the week!  It was a good one! It's always good when you get to feel the spirit that is always so present at baptisms.  I just love them.  I just know that this church is true and I love watching people change their lives to follow Christ.  Makes me so happy to see.  I love you all lots!!!  This week is transfers.  I REALLY hope that we don't get a call.  I dont want to leave Bon Air and I love being with Sister Olson.  We have lots more work to do here so hopefully we aren't going anywhere.  

Sister Lawson

P.S. thanks to Sister Zhenya Plumb for the letter this week :)

At the Mission home

Best restaurant!


Filling up the font again.

Someone gave us Girl Scout cookies!

It felt like days at the doctor's office - 4 hours of waiting!

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