Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Turkey Day!

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  For Thanksgiving here we had our weekly planning (every Thursday we plan for the whole week what we are going to teach) and then made cookies!  We delivered our cookies to a bunch of the people who we work with and then went to two different Thanksgiving dinners.  I  was STUFFED!  I wanted to die I was so full.  The first dinner was really good, the second either wasn't good or I was just too full to enjoy it.  Haha but I made it through.  First Thanksgiving on the mission and I didn't even go into a food coma after we ate :)  I'm a survivor!

This week was a good one though.  We went to the mall for sisters p-day and all the Christmas stuff was there!   It made me so happy.  I am so excited for Christmas.  There was a new video put out by the church called "A Savior is Born" and it's really good.  We have to use it in all our proselyting now and its really cool because we downloaded it on our iPads and now when we knock on doors we just show them the video and it's great.  If you haven't seen it yet you should check it out! It's only 2 minutes long and it just brings the spirit.  

We spent a lot of time this week tracting.  It's been really nice out lately, but I think winter is arriving here shortly.  We are trying to build up our teaching pool.  Most of the people we work with aren't really progressing and we might have to drop them soon.  I hate doing that, but we have to focus on the people who are ready to hear the gospel...like Jeremy.  he came to church again yesterday and is really preparing to be baptized!  I can't wait! 

So now for the weekly cooking disaster with Sister Lawson and Sister Bray.  This week we melted a pot! hahaha So, I guess there is this HUGE chocolate store in Richmond that sells chocolate from all over the world.  Well, a member went there and bought a bunch of chocolate from England.  We came home from lunch and wanted to make soup because it was freezing and so we put the pot on the stove but we got distracted by trying all the chocolate. (Side note: an English Flake bar is the best chocolate in the world. It melts on your tongue!)  Well, we forgot to put the soup in the pot and apparently if you put a pot on the stove and don't put anything in it you can actually melt the pot.  Haha oh man. So we are down a pot.  Oops.  If I have learned one thing since coming on a mission it's that I have to marry someone who knows how to cook! haha

Well I love you all!  Have a great week!

Sister Lawson

P.S. thanks to Papooh, Grandma and Grandpa, and Dad for the letters this week!

Sister's p-day at the mall!

Happy Thanksgiving!

English chocolate - yummy!

We tracked a whole day so we went to Applebee's for dinner as a reward.

Trying all the chocolate and unaware of the burning pot behind us!

This is what I live with.....

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