Friday, December 18, 2015

The miracle of pizza.

Hey everyone!

So lots of big news this week! I am getting transferred! Right before Christmas..... Haha #abbyluck but I'm excited! I'm going to be follow-up training a girl. It should be really fun. I'm REALLY sad to be saying goodbye to Sister Bray though.  She has been the most amazing companion and I'm going to really miss her, but the streak continues. Five transfers=five companions. Haha I just can't keep them for more than six weeks. So I have no idea where I'm going, but president told me that I can still sing at the zoo!! Last week at singing rehearsal I had told him how I will only be here for one Christmas and that I really want to sing at the zoo so when he called he said that no matter where I get transferred he will make sure that I can sing. :) I just love that guy so much! He is the best president out there. So today I get to pack all my stuff and tomorrow I meet my little step daughter (when you train we call it having a baby so because I am follow up training, I'm her new mom) it's a good thing I got new luggage for Christmas (Thanks Grandma!) because I am going to need it to pack everything. Haha

The other even more exciting news is that Jeremy got baptized Sunday!!!!!!!! It was so great and the spirit was so strong! He was crying when he came up from the water and it has just been so wonderful to teach him and see him make this decision. I'm going to miss this kid. His family didn't come to the baptism though (they really hate us) and Jeremy was really sad about it. It broke my heart to see. I just wanted to go yell at his family and tell them to stop being dumb and to support him. Luckily he is joining a great ward and lots of people from it came to support him.  It just made me really grateful for the family that I have. My family who would support me in anything I do.

So cool miracle of the week.  We had a young women (her name is Abbey :)) come out with us last Monday and so we tried to plan a lot so we didn't have to go tracting with her.  We had one lesson and during that lesson the investigator told us that pizza wasn't actually from Italy (mind blowing right?) it came from England.  So we finish his lesson and then tried the other people we had planned.  No one was answering and I hadn't eaten any dinner so all I wanted was pizza and to find someone to teach.  Abbey is really nice but pretty shy and she was just kind of following us around.  We said a prayer to try to know what to do because all of our plans fell through.  In the prayer I mentioned that I would be really grateful if someone would offer us pizza.  So we go to knock on a door and no one answers and then Abbey says, as we are walking back to the car, "My brother is having a little party and my mom ordered pizza and says that we can go over and eat some and also she said that his girlfriend wants to have a lesson and learn about Joseph Smith."  I just about died.  Pizza AND a new investigator.  The Lord really answers prayers. It was the best lesson we have had too.  the spirit was so strong.   I have such a testimony that the Lord will always answer your prayers. So many times on my mission I have prayed for something and then it happens. He is always there for you. I am so happy to be a missionary and am so excited for my new adventure in a new area.  It will be fun :)

I love you all!!
Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Kaiya, Kenna, Elyse, Myles, Dad, the Jessens, the Brights, and the Murris for the letters and special thanks to the best mom in the WHOLE world for the package and the 12 days of Christmas!  It's so fun opening a little gift each day! I love you so much mommy!!


Last lesson before baptism (the other girl is a cute little young woman
who comes out named Brittany)

Mini stockings mom found for us to decorate.

Pascal and Olaf!

12 days of Christmas - Day 1!

Jeremy's baptism!

We get fed well!

Day 2 gift: 2 sister missionaries!

They look just like us!

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