I hope you all had a great Christmas! I sure did! This week was full of excitements! So on Tuesday we had our all-mission Christmas conference! It was so fun! Everyone in the Richmond Virginia mission came together for a conference. There were lots of musical numbers (three of my companions sang during it:) ) and little talks on Christ-like attributes. We all ate lunch and I got to see all my past companions :) that was fun! It was just a great time. I really enjoyed it!
Then on Wednesday we got to sing at the zoo!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! So the night we were to sing it was POURING. It's been raining a lot here. I kind of miss snow actually, but anyway it was pouring so not many people were there. They didn't cancel it though. They put everyone in a room and we sang for all those there. Jeremy came! It was fun to see him since I wasn't able to say goodbye to him. We waited for the rain to clear up a bit. It eventually did stop and then we went outside and saw the Nativity! It was so good! There was this camel that was just a baby and it started running away from the wise men. Haha oh animals. It was fun to do though! I am so happy that I was able to sing at the zoo since I'll only be here one Christmas :)
Then it was Christmas!!!!! What a fun day!! We opened presents in the morning and I just want to thank everyone for all the gifts and cards!! I love you all so much and miss you! On Christmas we went and saw this recent convert Jennifer and her family. We are currently teaching her daughters. Lauren (the oldest) is getting baptized soon! We are planning on the 9th :) Lots of people are actually planning on being baptized on the 9th. It's so cool! That's going to be a good day! After seeing them we went to skype home! It was so great to see my family. I loved it! If you haven't talked to my brother Dylan you should. He is now taller than me! WHAT!?!?! Everyone back at home just needs to chill and stop getting older. Haha they need to stop for just one more year :) We went to a members for Christmas dinner and it was SO good! So much food! I wanted to cry I was so full. haha But it was a really good day.
As you can tell this week was a really great one. I am loving being out here and can't believe how fast time is going. We have so many investigators and they are all progressing towards baptism. The Lord is blessing us so much in this area. I just love it!
I love you all so much and wish you all a very Happy New Year!! I'll see you in 2016!!!!!
Love you!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to the Culebros, Bradys, Barnetts, Evans, Rogers-Peckhams, Tenneys (Ben and Rey), Plumbs, and coach Tracey for the Christmas cards!!!! And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, Papooh, Aunt Sarah and Uncle John, Aunt Dee and the Rubster, the Jessens, the Lawsons, ALL the cousins, Dylan, and of course my wonderful Mommy and Daddy for the gifts and cards! I love all of you!!!!!!!!!
All-mission Christmas conference.
Richmond, Virginia mission!
Face-time/Skype with the family.
All together for Christmas.
Christmas morning and cookies for Santa.
Our tree!
Opening presents. BYU slippers!
Christmas cards from the cousins.
Money from Papooh.
Gift from the Rubster.
Cookbook from Grandma.
I love you all!
All of my companions: 6 months = 6 companions!
Performance at the zoo - Jeremy came!