Thursday, August 6, 2015

Prayer Circle for Days.

Hi everyone!

I want to start off by apologizing for my lack of pictures. I can't figure out how to connect my camera to the computer so the pics I send home are ones I took on my iPad. That's why there haven't been many. Hopefully one day I'll figure it out! 

Anyway this week was fun! I feel like a lot happened and that makes the time here fly when we are busy. Let's start with last Monday. So it was sisters Pday. We went to this Mansion house. It was more in the country and it was Huge!! Anyways all the sisters in my area went and we made pizzas in a brick oven. It was so fun. I want a brick oven in my future home! So cool.

So this week while tracting an old guy asked if I was sister Kellogg's daughter. Haha how old do we look?! That would make her 30 and me 10! I know I look young, but That's pushing it! Haha we are only two months apart! So funny. The people we meet here are crazy. It's always interesting! Old guys try and flirt with us all the time. Oh Virginia. I mean I guess Virginia is for lovers. 

So you know the baptist lady? Well, we met with her this week and let me just tell you - her lessons are always interesting. This time she called her WHOLE family into the room to hear us sing and pray. It was seriously like 15-20 people. All the boys were laughing because here's two little white girls singing about Jesus. It was funny I guess. Then we all grabbed hands and had a prayer circle. Everyone went around saying what they wanted us to pray for. Haha I think she only meets with us for our prayers.  She wants to move so we pray for that and then she doesn't really listen to the lesson. So we don't know how interested she really is, But she is hilarious and I love meeting with her. At the end of the lesson we had to have another prayer circle because two of the brothers got in a fist fight and we had to pray that they would love each other. Haha oh goodness. I'm excited for our next lesson.

On Saturday I got to go down to Richmond! All the trainers and trainees have this big meeting at the end of their first transfer. (Every 6 weeks is a transfer and you have the possibility of changing areas and companions.)  Anyway, we were super late to the meeting because the traffic in Virginia is Ridiculous! But at the meeting we all broke off and had to go street contacting. So we walked around downtown trying to teach people. It was really cool! I walked around on VCU campus. It made me miss college. I hope I get to serve in Richmond while I'm here. It was just fun to be downtown and to see all the really cool old buildings. I loved it!

So that was my week! It was a really fun one! The weeks are just flying by! I'm in my 6th week out here. This week is transfer calls. I'm definitely staying, but sister Kellogg could leave. I REALLY hope not!! I don't think she will though. She will probably finish training me. She had her check up doctors appointment and is good to do everything normal! So we are officially back to being regular missionaries!

Well I love you all!!
Sister Lawson

P.S. Thanks to Tyler for the CDs and letter, and to Dad and the Jessen family for the letters!

Sister's P-day!
Wood fired oven!

My pizza!

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