Monday, August 17, 2015

Mimi Dada Lawson

Hi everyone!

So I know you're all dying to hear about my new companion. Her name is Sister Ngosha and she is from Tanzania Africa. She speaks Swahili and has been teaching me some. That's my title today. It says "I am sister Lawson!" Haha. Swahili is the "haukunna matata" language. Anyways that's her. She's fine, but I really miss sister Kellogg. She moved down to Charlottesville. I wish we were still companions. Oh well. New companions is part of the deal when you become a missionary.

So this week was good. On Monday we had a going away party for sister Kellogg and went to potbellies and got these huge ice cream sandwiches. They were So good! I'm getting so fat here I hate it. All I eat is crap. Oh well that's the mission life. I don't really control what I get to eat and members always just feed us pizza and pasta. It's bad.
Anyway on Tuesday sister Kellogg left and so I was in a companionship with the Spanish sisters while I waited for sister Ngosha to come. That was interesting. Haha I didnt know what was going on all day. We just saw all their investigators who obviously only speak Spanish, so I was lost. Haha yo no hablo espanol!

We saw the baptist lady one more time, but we aren't going to see her again. She was so drunk when we came over. She was screaming about all kinds of things and then told us she didn't believe a word we said, so we just had to leave. Can't be around her anymore. It makes me sad because she was so fun, but we can't be around people who yell at us and don't want to hear our message. She's moving in 2 weeks anyways.

The rest of this week was normal. We did a lot of tracting. Almost all our scheduled appointments for the week cancelled on us. That's always a bummer. We just have to find new people to teach! It's so hard. No one wants to talk with us. I'm just trying to be patient and to have faith. We will find people to teach. I just know it. We actually did find a few people that said they might be interested, we have appointments with them this week, so hopefully they will become new investigators!

So funny story of the week. every Friday and Sunday we go to the senior citizens home and work in the wing with the people who have Alzheimer's or who are just problem patients. On Sundays we go and have "church" with them which is just us singing to them for an hour. Well, we were singing and one of the ladies, Martha, joined in. The lady in front of her, Mrs. Green, didn't like that and was like "shut up or I'm going to punch you!" And so we calmed her down, but Martha kept singing with us so Mrs. Green takes off her shoe and starts to climb on her chair to hit Martha with her shoe. Hahaha I was dying! Mrs. Green is like 90 and uses a walker and Martha is in a wheelchair on oxygen. It was a total old person brawl all while we were singing about Jesus. Hahaha. The nurses stopped anything from happening and took mrs. Green away, but it was hilarious to watch. The people there are always doing something crazy. 

Well, I love you all and miss you so much!! Today is my 2 month mark. Can you believe it? This mission is going by so fast! The days seem long and the weeks fly by. It's crazy! Well I love you!

Sister Lawson

Ps. Thanks to dad for the letter this week! I can always count on your dollar store card each week! :)


Ice cream sandwiches - yummy!

Goodbye Sister Kellogg!

Me and sister Ngosha

Dying in the heat!

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