This week... Let's see... What happened... So last Monday sister Ngosha threw me a 2 month party. Haha we had a cake and blew up some balloons. You have to celebrate the little things out here. It was fun.
In our district meeting this week I had to give a training. Which means I had to teach the other missionaries. It was a little stressful at first because I haven't been out very long, but I think it went really well. I talked about Christ-like attributes and how we can develop them as missionaries. I like teaching. I will probably give trainings a lot more now.
So I know last week I told you that we couldn't see Tee anymore. She was yelling at us and it was bad. Well, we were driving by her street one night and I was like "We need to visit Tee" so we stopped by her house and talked with her. She was so happy to see us and was totally normal. We have stopped by everyday since and have been teaching her. I'm sad that she is moving. I laugh so much when I am with her. She just kills me. I know that if she was staying here that she would be baptized. She told us that she wants to change her life and be baptized, but she moves next week and she said she doesn't want other missionaries to come over. She said that she doesn't want to meet new people and that other missionaries would be too scared of her. Haha which is probably true. I'm going to get her address and refer the new missionaries to her anyway, but I don't know if she will meet with them and talk with them like she will with us. I'm just so sad. Why does she have to move? I love Tee. I really can't put into words how she is, but she is just loud and crazy and will tell it like it is. I love it. She gave me a nickname too. Everyone in the house has a nickname, I mean her name is Tee, but mine is LaLa. Haha so whenever we go over there she is like "LaLa pray! Pray for me to find a man." Haha I still think she just uses us for our prayers, but hey she listens and understands all of our lessons. We are going to have a "last supper" meal with her this week. It's going to be sad to say bye. I love her. That's something I've learned a lot about since coming on a mission. I've learned more about love and loving people no matter what than anything else since being out here. It's crazy the amount of love you can have for people if you just try. I know I'm getting all soppy and I'll stop, but it's true. I've never been good at loving others. My mom will be the first to tell you that I'm a brat and selfish, hahaha and I have to agree. I am. But I have really learned to love others and not to care so much about myself. I want to be more Christ-like and turn outward instead of inward. I'm trying to follow my own training and have the Christ-like attribute of love. It comes more naturally with some people and others I have to work at it. I know if I just try and see the good in everyone and see them as Christ would that love will come. Well that's my little spiritualness for now, but I just wanted to share. :)
This week we also had an investigator go up to the temple visitor center. She spent the whole day there. I can't wait to talk to her about it. We see her tonight. She's been going back and forth on weather she wants to get baptized and I hope that by seeing the temple that she will finally know that she is ready and hopefully I will have my first baptism :)
Other than that my week has been spent finding other people. We don't have many people to teach, so we've been knocking lots of doors. It's hard now because it's starting to get dark at night. I hate knocking on doors when it's dark. It's only going to get worse too. Especially with kids starting school in a week, no one is going to be happy that we are knocking on their doors when it's dark on a school night. We are supposed to stay out doing missionary work until 9pm. We will just have to figure out other things to do at night once winter comes. Well that's all I have to say. I love you all so much!!!! I miss you and pray for you everyday. But the time is going by fast. I mean school is starting. What happened to summer?!? Crazy.
Well I love you!!
Sister Lawson
P.s. Thank you dad and Elyse for your letters! And thanks grandma for the package!!
My 2 month party!
This is Tee and one of her three sons and I think that little
girl is her granddaughter? Idk. So many people in that house. She told
us that she only has boys and she likes it that way because if she had
a girl the girl would call the police every time she hit her, but
boys just take it. Hahahaha she went off on how in schools they tell
the kids that they should call 911 on their parents, but that that is
not right. Some kids need a good beating. Haha, that's Tee for you!
girl is her granddaughter? Idk. So many people in that house. She told
us that she only has boys and she likes it that way because if she had
a girl the girl would call the police every time she hit her, but
boys just take it. Hahahaha she went off on how in schools they tell
the kids that they should call 911 on their parents, but that that is
not right. Some kids need a good beating. Haha, that's Tee for you!
My favorite ladies at the senior home. The two in the middle are
Helen and Ann and they are best friends and SUCH gossips. Helen HAS to
know what's going on and talks about everyone. She tries to talk to
Ann, but we can all hear her. She talks about us sometimes and then we
call her out and she is so confused on how we heard. Hahaha!
Helen and Ann and they are best friends and SUCH gossips. Helen HAS to
know what's going on and talks about everyone. She tries to talk to
Ann, but we can all hear her. She talks about us sometimes and then we
call her out and she is so confused on how we heard. Hahaha!
See! The gossipers! They have to know what's happing with everyone!