Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back to the Basics

Hey Everyone!

What a crazy week! So much happened! So much changed! So I was transferred out of Woodbridge.  I am now in Oakton! My new companion is Sister Labrum! She is from Castle dale Utah. She is so sweet and we are going to see miracles this transfer!  Oakton is a VERY wealthy area. Mansions galore! So the ward hasn't had a baptism in quite some time, but I am determined to change that! We are both ready to work and to work hard. I'm excited!

This week was really spent saying goodbye to everyone and packing. Saying bye was sad.  I loved Quantico and I feel like I have finally left the Richmond mission. Saying bye to Sister Bray was even harder. I know she will still kill it in Quantico though! Things are a lot different here. I really spent the week just trying to figure out how things are done here, but I'm slowly learning. I feel like I'm in training all over again though. I'm constantly asking what we can and can't do. Haha greenie round two!  I'm a fast learner though :)

But it's been a good week. We have been just finding a lot lately. I've only been here for four days and we have mostly just tracted and I'm just trying to adjust. We have some really great people that we are working with here and the ward is amazing!  They are so missionary minded! It's great! 

We get to teach an English class twice a week here. That's way fun. A bunch of the missionaries come together and we hold a little class. We pair up with someone and read with them or teach them the ABCs or do little worksheets. It's fun. It's like being a school teacher. :) 

But that's kind of my week.  It's just been crazy.  I'm excited to get more in the swing of things! I hit my 13 month mark! CRAZY! Where has the time gone?!  Well I Love you all SO much!!!

Sister Lawson

P.S.  My new address is: 3229 Arrowhead Cir., Apt. J  Fairfax, VA 22030

New Companion, Sister Labrum!

Tracting the mansions.  The driveways are SOOO long!!!

I thought this house looked like a house in James Bond movies.

Brother Hatcher used to be a makeup artist for celebrities so he gave
us tips and did our makeup. Haha he is the coolest guy ever!

Transformation Tuesday!

13 months

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