HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!! I hope you ate a lot, because let me tell you...I did! Haha I don't know how I did it, but we ate THREE full course thanksgiving dinners on Thursday. I have never eaten so much in one day in my whole life. I literally didn't eat anything the next day. Haha I don't think I will ever want to eat Thanksgiving food again. We have all these left overs in the fridge and I have no desire to eat any turkey ever again. But besides being stuffed, Thanksgiving was so fun! It was so sweet that so many people wanted us over and wanted to celebrate with us. The kindness of others just amazes me. It was so sweet and so fun spending the day with people I love out here. I love Thanksgiving and just having a day to be grateful for everything. I have been blessed with so much in my life and I've seen that more since coming on a mission.
But nothing else too exciting happened this week. I'm trying to think about things to write about.... Last night we got a referral for this lady who ordered a Bible. We went to try and give it to her, but she lives in a lock out building. Like ALL the buildings here are lock outs so it's super hard to see people because you have to check in with the front desk and typically the people we want to see aren't expecting us so they don't let us in...but we have gotten super good at sneaking in! Haha so bad. So we got in and tried finding her room which was hard, but we knocked on her door and she is the sweetest lady ever! She let us right in and accepted a Book of Mormon and wants to come to church. Her nephew is actually a member so it was just so cool! I'm so excited to get to keep working with her. I love meeting new people! It's the best!
In other news Kim came to church yesterday so that was awesome! We also had so many other new people at church. With the new ward boundaries we have lots of new people to work with and new members to meet. It's fun. We really spent a lot of the week just trying to get to know all the new people and new area we cover. It's been fun.
Well I'm excited for another week and I'm excited for the Christmas season! The new Christmas video is out so go check it out on Mormon.org! For the 25 days of Christmas they are doing 25 small acts of service that you can do to be more like Christ. It's cute. It's a fun time of year and King Street has their big Christmas tree up at the town square so that's been super fun! Makes contacting people easier! We offer to take your picture and then share the gospel :)
Well I love you all so much! Have a good week!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks dad, grandma and grandpa, and the plumb family for the cards this week!
Thanksgiving dinner with our investigator Emily and her friend Tiki!
The Owens family from Quantico in Woodbridge came and saw me! Oh I
just love his family! So sweet of them to come visit me one last time
before I go home.
Playing ping pong. We really aren't good. Haha
A family the other sisters were working with, but with the change they are now in our ward boundaries so we had a little pass off and get to know you lesson. The girls had all these dolls so we each got one that looked like us. Mine has ice skates ;)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!