This week was another crazy one! To start off we went on exchanges this week. We were with the singles ward sisters. I spent the day with sister Goodwin. She is an amazing missionary! We had a fun day of trying to hunt down young single adults in the city. We ended up singing to a homeless man to cheer him up and going to a Spanish community on accident. Haha then that night we all met up on King Street and tried a new finding technique of singing. Sister West plays the guitar so we tried a little singing group, but it didn't work too well. I ended up not singing and just became the card passer. So they all sang and I had to talk to people. Anything to get out of singing! We are going to try it again around Christmas time when we can sing Christmas carols and it's not so weird singing hymns on the street....
This week we also had the ward Halloween party! So fun! Oh I just love the trunk-or-treat! I love seeing people's costumes and it's just always a good time. Lots of good Pokemon costumes and Star Wars costumes. They must be the big things this year. Sister west and I went as cow girls. It was fun and our investigator Caroline came! She is the one we found street contacting on King Street who said she had been praying for God to send us. We have had quite a few lessons with her this week and she is the most amazing person! I love her!!! So prepared and so sweet! She loved the party too and was so happy we invited her! It was her first time celebrating Halloween and she loved it. She brought the little girl she nannies for too and she also had so much fun. It was a good night!
Then on Saturday we got to volunteer at this event called "Alive." It's where you bag up tons of food to put in little kits and give to those in need. So it starts off with this assembly line thing where you put together bags of food (I was in charge of the green beans) and then the people come in and we pass out the bags and other little treats. I loved doing it. I loved just talking to all the people who came through. It was just so nice to serve in this way and made me just so grateful to be blessed with so much.
But it was a good week! Today for Halloween we are not allowed to go out, it's too dangerous, so we are having a zone party at the church and watching "17 Miracles"! Should be a fun day! Love you all and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!! Eat tons of candy!!!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to Aunt Dee for the ping pong set and thanks Grandma and Grandpa and Dad for the cards! Also a second thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the letters from a couple of months ago! I finally got them after being sent to my old place :) also shout out to Bryan and John for the cards. I don't know who you guys are, but hey thanks anyways.
I love the fall!
Exchanges! We found this super cool French bakery and it's now our favorite place to get treats.
Singing in the streets.
Looking into D.C.
Volunteering at "Alive"
I found the headless horseman.
Trunk or treat as cowgirls with Caroline!