This week was....fine. I got pretty sick and so it's been a harder week. There's just no time to rest. You just take some pills and go out and work. Haha so that's been fun. I'm getting better now though so this next week should be better! Being sick is just the worst. Hopefully this will be the last time on the mission. But some fun stuff still did happen this week!
We went on exchanges with the other Hermanas and man do I want to be an Hermana! I love Spanish work! I was with Hermana Kump and she couldn't believe how much rejection we get. Haha she was like "Wow English work is so much harder. Everyone in the Hispanic culture is so nice!" She was so excited to get to knock some mansions though because that's something she never gets to do. We actually had dinner at a Hispanic families house and they made arroz con leche. I want to be an Hermana so bad, but I couldn't do the food. That was their dessert and it was like drinking milk with mushy soggy rice in it. Haha no Bueno. The food would kill me and that's why I'll just stay in the English program. I'm still trying my best to learn Spanish though :) I can understand it pretty well, but really have a hard time speaking it. We have been practicing a lot lately though :) our ward has a Spanish group because the Spanish ward is so far away so we have a small group of Spanish speakers that come to our ward. So Sister Labrum and I have been visiting them lately. They speak little to no English so our lessons are so funny. We do such small talk at the beginning, use some google translate, read a scripture in Spanish (very badly I might add) and then try to say why we like that scripture (using Google translate which doesn't work too well) and then leave. They just laugh at us most of the time and tell us our Spanish is "Good!" :) while laughing. Kills me. I love them so much. So that's been fun this week.
Another fun thing from the week was we had the primary program at church! Only the best day of the year! It's when all the little kids put on church and sing and give little talks. Anyway, it's just hilarious to watch all the kids start to lose it up front. But they sang a missionary song and they had asked us and the elders to sing with them! I never thought I would be a part of the Primary program again! So we sang all together and then for the second verse just the missionaries sang. Oh man. Sister Labrum was such a trooper. She basically soloed it. The elders didn't sing at all really and I've been so sick that I couldn't really sing. I tried my best, but I know it was bad. She sounded good though. The big joke of the day was that the sisters stole the show and the elders didn't even open their months. Haha it was fun though. The kids sang this song called 'Gethsemane' and it is my new favorite song. Oh man the spirit is so strong with that song. Go look it up if you haven't heard it! I love that song!
But that was my week. Just hanging out in good old Oakton. The weather is starting to get nice and fall is coming! I'm super excited for General Conference this week! Oh that's something else that happened. We had the General Women's session of conference Saturday night and the stake had a dessert party before and it was so fun! We even had an investigator come! She LOVED it! She took tons of notes! But Elder Uchtdorf talked about faith and it was such a good talk! I just love hearing from the general authorities! I'm super pumped for conference!
Well love you all! Have a great week!!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to Sister Zhenya Plumb, Grandma and Grandpa, Sister Jeppsen, Caitlin Rogers-Peckham, and Trevor Wilson for the letters!
Exchanges! Mansion knocking!
We found a praying mantis and talked to a man about it for like 30 minutes.
He just really likes bugs. Haha the things we talk about....
This sums up the week. Just carrying my roll of toilet paper and snot bag. Haha
After our primary singing. We are as the armies of Helaman!