Sorry I'm late again! We got stuck for two hours in stupid northern Virginia traffic so I only have 20 minutes! Sorry! But, today we went to mount Vernon! We got to see Washington's house :) It's nice. I see why he didn't want to be president anymore and wanted to just live out his days there. I could live there. Haha
Anyway, What a great week we had!! So many miracles! I just love it! So as a mission we have a goal of having 300 baptisms this year. Last year they had like 240 something I think.... Anyways 300 is like the big number here. So this week as a mission we decided to find 300 new investigators (we usually find around 130ish) all having to be invited
to baptism in the first lesson to count. It was a crazy goal, but as we all came together as a mission and prayed like crazy we were able to accomplish it! As a mission we found 432 Investigators!!!! We killed our goal! Here in Oakton Sister Labrum and I found more than
has ever been found in this Ward in a single week, and the people we found are amazing! I'm so excited to keep working with them!
We had our last exchanges of the transfer this week. Haha too bad the transfer is over Thursday! That went fast! But this week we were with the good old Arlington sisters! That's Sister Tingeys new area :) I always love seeing my Woodbridge sisters :) but I actually went on the exchange with Sister Wollston and we saw miracles. One of them being Wayne :)
We met Wayne at Cold Stone. Haha he was there eating and told us what combinations would be good and then invited us to sit with him. We talked about the restoration and he loved it! We then had another lesson with him two days later and talked more about the Book of Mormon. He really wants to read and learn more! He then came to church yesterday! He reminds me SO much of Jeremy (my convert in swift creek back in December) that it freaks me out a bit. Haha they are like the same person. One sad part is we found out that Wayne is actually just outside of our boundaries, so we will have to pass him off to the other wards missionaries :( such a golden find though!
Another amazing person we found this week was Kush. He was just walking down the street and we called over to him. He recently moved here from India and is starting to learn about Christianity and is very interested in it. We talked about the plan of salvation and he loved it! He then told us that he doesn't usually walk home that way so it was God's will that he ran into us. I love when people recognize that we are sent here by God and that He is leading and guiding us. Kush also came to church yesterday! It was amazing! I love when people come to church! It's the best :)
But those were just two of the people we found. We found so many others. So many kind people let us in and invited us back. I just loved those two miracles, because they are both people who are truly prepared by God to meet us and hear His message. In both cases we
shouldn't have run into them. Kush took a different way home and the only reason we were at Cold Stone was because our dinner ended really early and we were close by. I just gained a testimony that God is going to put us where we need to be. We don't know who will accept us and listen to us, but God does and he will direct our paths to make sure it all works out! I'm so grateful for this week of finding. I have never prayed so much before and seen so many miracles from it. I love being out here doing the Lord's work. I love talking to people and bringing them the happiness that I have in my life. This really is the
happiest time of my life!
I love you all sooooo much! I'm excited for this next week to work with all our new investigators! Just remember the power of prayer and that miracles do happen!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks dad for the letters!
Mt. Vernon!
For zone Pday we had a scavenger hunt in the mall. We later where
asked to leave the mall, but we were done by then. Haha all the
workers were excited and helping us out, (picture below) but the mall
police weren't too happy....
asked to leave the mall, but we were done by then. Haha all the
workers were excited and helping us out, (picture below) but the mall
police weren't too happy....
This shot: Give a card to a man with a mustache. Hello Juan!
Exchanges with the Arlington Sisters!
Good thing we are just preaching the good word of Christ.
Me coloring in my spare time (not much, but during lunches).
Picture re-do!
Mission goal smashed video!