It's been a fun week here in Virginia! The sun has come out and summer is upon us! The humidity is already so intense! Haha being back in Woodbridge with this heat just reminds me of when I first came out. I keep thinking about how I've learned and changed in this past year. It's just crazy!
Anyway, we had some funny rejection stories from this week. We went to go teach this YSA (Young Single Adult) and he is currently renting out a room from this woman. We come in and she was so nice and loving that we were having a Bible study and went and got us water and was just so kind. She went into the other room and we start having our lesson. We must have mentioned Joseph Smith because the women came back in and starts yelling at us saying we are a cult. (Really, a cult? I thought we were over that by now.) Once she is done with her rant she then said, "With that I'll have to ask you to leave" and goes and opens the door for us. Haha it was sad, but also really funny. It was the first time I got kicked out of a house. Usually we just are rejected at the door, but she actually kicked us out. Haha
We also got a call this week from the mission office saying that a lady that we tracted into called Salt Lake and said that missionaries came and knocked on her door at 8 at night and that she would call the police if we ever came back. Hahaha the things people do to complain about us. It kills me.
But even with all the rejection we also had many miracles! We found the coolest lady! She let us right in and we shared the restoration. She loved it and said that she has always wondered why there are so many churches. She also said that her best friend is LDS and that she is actually living with her currently. She is so prepared! Such a miracle find.
This week we also had interviews with President Wilson. Sister Prach and I were the last ones for the day so after our interviews he took us out to dinner. We ate at this really fancy place on the riverside and it was fun to be with President and Sister Wilson. I can't believe that they are leaving soon! I can't imagine having a different mission president.
Well it was a fun week everyone! I love you all! This week is MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) so the party bus is coming back! I can't wait :) have a great week!
Sister Lawson
P. S. Thanks dad for the postcard all the way from Italy! :)
Taco Tuesday!
I found this while tracting. All I hear is NO these days. Hahaha!