So another great week down! Today we went to the Richmond zoo for sisters P-day! It was so fun! We got to feed giraffes and birds and then go on a little train that goes into an exhibit and all the animals were all around us. It was a really nice zoo! I liked it:) It was so fun!!! I love zoos and animals :)
On Saturday we had a crazy cool day. We spent the whole day tracting! Haha we picked a HUGE apartment complex and just started knocking doors. We knocked on 95 doors that day and not one person was interested...but here are the miracles that did happen! We accidentally knocked on a less actives door and his girlfriend answered and we talked to her a bit and then later we got a call from the member saying that he wants to come back to church! That day we also got a call from some other missionaries in the zone that someone they have been teaching - and who is ready to be baptized - just moved into our ward! Then that night we had a lesson with a referral we had received and we asked if he had read from the Book of Mormon and he said, "I have and I've prayed about it and I know its true." Uhhhh... WHAT!?!?! So that was the coolest thing ever! But his girlfriend...well she doesn't like its going to be hard to work with him. But he already knows the church is true so we can work around anything else.
This week we also had sisters meeting. I love those! We have to do two separate sisters meetings now though. One with all the sisters up north and one with all the sisters down south, but it was still lots of fun! We had great trainings and I got to see Sister Bray (she is my only old companion who is currently still down south). I love sisters meeting. It's fun to be with all the sisters and to get to learn from one another.
I also finally figured out a way to describe the feeling of being a missionary. I'm calling it the Disneyland feeling. Haha its the feeling of being SO physically exhausted that you just want to sleep every time you sit down, but yet so awake and excited for the next thing that's going to happen. It's the feeling of complete exhaustion mixed with complete joy. Haha it's just the best. So there you have it. A mission is like a day at the happiest place on earth. :)
Well I love you all!! It was a fun week! Oh I also hit my 8 month mark this week! CRAZY! next month I am halfway done. I can't believe how fast the time is going! I hope you all have a good week! Love you!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to Dad and the Plumb family for the letters and thanks to Amanda Outlaw for the package!!!
Sister's Training Meeting
3 zones of sister missionaries!
Our day at the Richmond zoo. I loved it!
Feeding the giraffe's. I LOVE GIRAFFES!
My first Sister Training Leader, Sister Catey, went home.
She was my Colorado buddy and I will really miss her!
We got Taco Bell for lunch and ate by the lake near our apartment.
Sweet Frog yogurt! Just for fun.
All of our pass along cards.
Tracking all day. So tired.
Sunday walk through the woods.
Train ride at the zoo. President Wilson drove us there. He wanted to come because he loves the zoo!