This week was great! It went by so fast! I can hardly believe that its Monday once again! My mission is going to fast. It needs to slow down! This week is transfers again! I don't think I'm going to be leaving, but you never know. I sure hope I don't go anywhere. I love it here! But I will be going into my 4th transfer and I only go through 13. So crazy!
Well, lately it has been GORGEOUS here! The leaves are changing and driving around is the best. I just love it! I try to take pictures of it, but the camera can't capture it. You just have to see it in person. I could live here just for the fall, but I'm sure winter will be very cold.
This week was Sister Styler's birthday! We decorated the house and then went out to lunch. We went to this little Mexican Restaurant called Don Pepes. It was So good! they have this white sauce here and it's the best thing ever. You dip chips into it and I have no idea whats in it, but I am addicted.
We also had zone conference this week. So we drove down to Richmond and had training's from President and Sister Wilson. It was so good. I say this a lot, but I just love them. I have the best mission president. We also got these black boxes installed in our cars. Each time you get in the car you have to log in and then it like tracts your driving. If you speed, or don't wear a seat belt, or accelerate too fast, or take a turn to hard, it beeps at you and sends a report to Salt Lake and if you receive too many driving violations then you can't drive the rest of your mission. Haha so that's fun.... we haven't set ours off yet and I currently am not driving, so I don't have to worry about it now. It's to keep us safe, but it gives me stress. Every time we hit a pot hole we are like "please don't go off" haha but we're good. Haven't had any problems.
This week we also found some new people to teach and had great lessons! Our most progressing investigator is Patricia. She is just my favorite person. She had us over for dinner the other day and keeps telling us how we were an answer to her prayers. We had a great lesson with her and the Spirit was definitely there. She does all that we ask, but she won't come to church! Ah! No one ever comes to church. That is the hardest thing to get people to do I've found. Since coming to Swift Creek I haven't had one investigator come to church. It's frustrating and makes Sundays sad. But this week is our ward Halloween party and everyone says that they are coming to that and once you get them to the church for an event its easier to get them to come back for church so this week should be a good one! I'm really excited!
I love you all so much!! Have a great week!
Sister Lawson
P.S. Thanks to Mom and Dad for the package, Grandma and Grandpa for the card, the Westridge Ward primary for all the letters, and Tyler, Graham, Josh, Alec, Tanner, Drew, and Mike for the card!
Zone Conference. Everyone wore pink because Sister Wilson
was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
Don Pepes
So in our area we work in neighborhoods with beautiful HUGE I mean
HUGE houses and then we also have two trailer parks. What's so funny
is we spend most of our time in the trailer parks because people are
just nicer and more willing to accept the gospel there. It all comes
down to humility. But what's so funny is we went to find a house the
other day, but they had moved. Hahaha literally took up their house
and moved. We were dying it was so funny.
HUGE houses and then we also have two trailer parks. What's so funny
is we spend most of our time in the trailer parks because people are
just nicer and more willing to accept the gospel there. It all comes
down to humility. But what's so funny is we went to find a house the
other day, but they had moved. Hahaha literally took up their house
and moved. We were dying it was so funny.
Sister Styler's birthday!